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Summer Term 2019


Experimental Methods 

Dr. Lukas Wenner, Dr. Sebastian Tonke
Lecture: Tue, 16:00-17:30, Aula 2 
1. Exam: 11.07.2019, 16:15-17:15, Kurt-Alder Hörsaal (Building 322, Greinstr. 6)
2. Exam: 17.09.2018, 14:15-15:15, Aula 1

Eugenio Verrina
Exercise: Thu, 14:00-15:30, Aula 2


Topics in Behavioral Economics (Seminar) 

Dr. Lukas Wenner
Kick-off: 05.04.2019, 10:00-11:30, S56
Seminar: 27.05., 03.06., 06.06.2019, 09:00-13:30 & 08.07.2019, 14:00-18:30


Conducting Experiments with zTree 

Dr. Thomas Lauer
Seminar: 09.05.,10.05., 16.05. & 17.05.2019
Exam: 19.06.2019 10:00-11:00


Game Theory (Microeconomics / Microeconomics II) 

The course in Game Theory (BM Microeconomics / BM Microeconomics II) now regularly takes place in the winter term. This summer, there will be an exception and an exam is offered for the last time.

All material and information that is relevant for the exam is provided in an Ilias course. In order to get access to the Ilias course please write an email to Sebastian Schneiders. It is highly recommended to join the course.

Please note that there will be no lectures and exercise classes this semester. There will also be no office hours and no questions on the content will be answered by email.

We clearly recommend not to write the exam without having followed the lectures and exercise classes in one of the last semesters.

Exam: 15.07.2019, 14:30-15:30

The exam inspection will take place on Monday, 09.09.2019. Registration is possible via this semester's Ilias course.